Friday, 25 September 2015

Name Ideas

Name ideas:

Wykes World

Conventions of a college magazine

  • Mast head - this is the name of the magazine, this is usually 20% of the size of the magazine
  • Main image - the main image tends to be linked to the feature story, the main story stands out and grabs the attention of the readers, this is the largest image on the page
  • Main story - The main story is the feature story that links to the main image, the main story has to stand out so people want to read what has happened.
  • Colour scheme - the magazine is a mixture of pure white and green
  • Date, price and barcode - these are all next to the name of the magazine so people know how exclusive the magazine is and how much it would cost

Preliminary Task

Preliminary Task

Brief - To design a college magazine front cover and mock up contents page. Images used on the front cover must be original.

Initial ideas

My magazine will be red, white and blue themed. I have chosen this because blue is a colour that tends tobe associated with stress relief.  The feature story will be straight across the middle of the magazine in red so people will be drawn to it. The release date of the magazine will be underneath the magazine name alongside the price.

Feature story ideas

'Super Students Smash Exams'

I have chosen a positive story as I feel people will want to read a positive story more than a negative one. I have chosen the topic of successful exam results as this is something the whole college can relate to and not just a certain group of students.

I played with the idea of a sports headline but I felt that readers wouldnt buy it if they saw a sports headline if sports wasnt an interest of theirs.

Colour Scheme

I've chosen red, white and blue as the main colours as I feel they go well with eachother.

I have used the red for the magazine name and for the main headline as red is a colour that stands out at people so they'd be drawn to it.

I have used the blue because it is a very relaxed colour and is a colour which people relate to stress relief so readers would be happier seeing this colour.

Contents page draft

Front cover final piece