Thursday, 25 February 2016

Evaulation Questions

24th March

Fist 4 questions have to be answered

11th April

5, 6, 7 answered in depth

22nd April - all exam work will be submitted no more work after then

Evaluation is worth 20% of coursework mark (20% is given to the research aswell)

Tip 1) Look at previous years work

Preferably Chloe Allenby D1
                  Daniel Patilen B1
                  Greta Swift     B1

Tip 2) Repost work from the research stage

Tip 3) Dont write essays, be more creative (tables, graphs, spreadsheets, prezi, if you dont want to write about the produc you can talk and post it on youtube to embed in the blog, go animate)

Tip 4) Make it easy to mark with slide share etc

Evaluation Question 7

Evaluation Question 6

What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

I've learnt that many different technologies are needed in the process of making the media product. From a camera to prezi, photoshop you have to be skilled in using many platforms to be able to get a good grade.

For example before I started I would've assumed that you could use just a phone and microsoft publisher to make the product, I was unaware of how much better the likes of prezi, photoshop and animation apps are. Also I thought it was weird how you could possibly explain your steps by video instead of typing it all (I know, quite ironic considering I'm writing it now) but now I know how much better it is to vary the types of technology used to make the product and develop it. I would've probably taken photos on my phone and then.

Evaluation Question 5

How did you attract/address your audience?

It is a new magazine of a genre that isnt really out there in big numbers so it is a unique magazine for a genre that was THE genre in the 90s. It was a shame that the genre died out when the pop genre had taken its place. Also there is clearly a large interes
t in the genre as proven on social media by the amount of attention the likes of Oasis, Blur and Pulp get from accounts made to show their appreciation for the era/genre.

Evaluation question 4

Target audience:

My target audience is 25-35 year olds. This is because my magazine is based on music from previous decades which this age group will be more familiar with the music and more likely to want to read about an artist compared to a younger person who wasn't around when the music was at its peak. The majority of readers would be male as it isn't a colourful girly pop magazine, it is a straightforward music magazine with a plain colour scheme.

Reader profile:

Average reader age - 28

Gender of reader - 72% male : 28% female

Readers in employment - 68%

Part time workers - 64%

Full time workers - 36%

Readers in higher education - 27%

Readership - 241, 894

Circulation - 30, 798

iTunes users - 43%

On average Turn Back Times reader spend, per year:

Footwear - £180 (75% Adidas footwear)

Clothes - £493 (34% pretty green)

DVDs - £30

New technology - £300 (48% new phones)

Music Equipment - £834 (60% guitars)

Other information:

95% of readers use the internet to read about music

They spend an average of 24 hours a week online

36% of readers collect vinyls as a hobby

89% of readers have been to a concert within the last year

Here are a few pictures I would associate with my magazine genre type such as bands, clothing and music sources.

Evaluation Question 3

What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?

Sony would distribute my product because they currently dont have a britpop magazine on sale. If they did have one on sale they wouldnt distribute it because this would mean that they would have a rival product for themselves which would mean they would possibly lose money on the product and as the industry is mainly business it wouldn't be a very good idea.

Evaluation Question 2

How does your media product represent particular social groups?

Evaluation Question 1

In what way does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

Friday, 5 February 2016

Contents guidelines

Contents may be 2-3 pages

Multiple images
Reflect the stories from front cover
Elements to include - subscription offer
Letter from the editor
Divide contents into sections
Have image of front cover star
The same magazine logo and colour scheme
Page number (6 and upwards)
Not all contents are on the contents page
Weekly magazine 60 pages ish
Monthly 140-180 pages ish

Double page spread

A3 landscape
300 dpi, RGB
Publisher for column texts
Photoshop for images
Drop cap - big letter to start off with, other text done around it
Pull quote - to break up the text
Columns of texts, not an essay (no less then six words per line, no more than 12 words per line)
Original article
Could just show start of article continuing onto the next page just showing 50-200 words
Would be page 30-40 in weekly magazine
Would be page 80-100 in monthly magazine